We had a good AGM on Monday. Many thanks to those not on the committee who came to support the hall, listen to the financial update and join in the conversations.
Please read the Chair's report below as it highlights the successes and challenges in managing the hall and recreation ground for the community. If you weren't able to attend the meeting, and would like to pick up on any of the points raised, please contact Emma Adams, chair on mail@emma-adams.co.uk 01223 881609.
We had some interesting discussions around what opportunities could be developed with the Parish Council and possibly the Wellbrahams to offer activities for children and teenagers in the villages. We also noted that parents are underrepresented in the committee, which is a shame and makes catering for younger families less easy. If you would be interested in getting involved with scoping and planning activities for children, then please make contact. If meeting in the evening is difficult, it may be possible to form a group that meets at other times.